Join Q4intelligence and Marissa Rufo of MZQ Consulting for a compliance webinar.
When: Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern
Where: Zoom | Register here
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Diving into the World of Mental Health Parity Compliance
You’ve heard all the buzz around mental health parity rules and enforcement. But what is it all about?
Join us for a deep dive into the world of mental health parity compliance, including:
- How we got here
- What both types of analyses entail
- Who is subject to the rules
- Strategies going forward for your plan
Learn how the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and subsequent additional rules in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 have changed plan-sponsor requirements.
Employer-sponsored health plans are required to conduct mental health parity analyses on their health plans to ensure that more restrictive limitations are not being placed on mental health and substance use disorder benefits than they are on medical/surgical benefits. These analyses come in two flavors, non-quantitative treatment limitations analyses and quantitative treatment limitations analyses. Every plan needs detailed reports on hand to show how it meets these requirements, especially if they come under audit.
Who is MZQ Consulting?
MZQ Consulting is a boutique ACA and benefits compliance consultancy helping people navigate the complex world of employee benefits compliance through deep expertise and superb client service.
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