5500 Filings Are Due, But Don’t Panic If You’re Not Ready!
The 2024 calendar year has flown by, and the July 31st deadline for groups with January-December plan years to submit their 2023 5500 filings is now upon us.
Overview of 5500 filings
In general, 5500 filings, which contain details about the finances and operation of group health and retirement plans, are an annual requirement for such plans that had at least 100 participants as of the first day of the plan year. Only active employees enrolled in the plan contribute to the participant count (i.e., spouses, dependents, etc. should be excluded). For groups with wrap plan documents, a filing will be required for all benefits included in the wrap if the participant count for at least one of those benefits satisfies the filing threshold. Groups without wrap plan documents will need to determine on a benefit-by-benefit basis whether they should prepare a filing for that particular benefit.
The filings are due to the IRS and the Department of Labor (DoL) by the last day of the seventh month after the plan year ends. So, while the 5500s for January 2023-December 2023 plans should be submitted by July 31, 2024, the filings for February 2023-January 2024 plans are due by August 31, 2024, March 2023-February 2024 plans need to file by September 30, 2024, etc.