Entries by Brandy Clark

A Financial Wellness Wake-Up Call: How to Support Your Team

BrightPlan published its most recent Wellness Barometer Survey, a collection of data to help people learn what’s on employees’ minds and how employers can best support their team—especially in this changing market and workplace environment.

The survey focuses on financial wellness, an essential concern for employees. We’ll define financial wellness, summarize the most critical findings from the survey, and review how you can use these findings to support your employees.

Take this Permission Slip

What is it that holds you back? What pushes your employees or peers to burn themselves out? What halts growth and stifles innovation? What keeps cultures from overcoming periods of apathy? Some might point to poor company culture, faulty leadership, or even personal mental health and wellness. But one thing ties them all together—permission.

2024 Employer Mandate Penalties Released

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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires applicable large employers (ALEs), meaning employers that averaged at least fifty full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) during the preceding calendar year, to offer at least 95% of their full-time employees and the children of those employees who are under age 26 medical coverage that qualifies as minimum essential coverage.

Thought Leader: More Than Just a Buzzword

In the social media beehive, you’ve likely come across the term thought leader. You’ve probably seen posts about how people can become the most trusted advisors and experts in their fields. 

Many people want to be considered a thought leader, and with all the advice floating around, it may be hard to know what your first steps should be to carve out such a position within your niche.

Federal Action Temporarily Halts Surprise Billing Arbitration Decisions

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The federal No Surprises Act protects health insurance consumers from being billed for anything other than typical in-network cost-sharing when they receive emergency care from an out-of-network facility or when they are treated without notice from an out-of-network provider while at an in-network medical facility. In these cases, healthcare providers must work out any billing differences directly with the consumer’s group health plan and/or health insurance issuer.

Connect with the Power of Conversation

The art of leading a productive and enlightening conversation is at the essence of success. Whether you’re conducting a job interview, talking to a client, or working with your team, you need the power to get as much out of every conversation as you can.

You need to inspire, to be purposeful and clear, to obtain and share quality information, and to connect on a human level—all of which needs to happen naturally and in as few words (of yours) as possible.

Employee Benefits for Remote Workers

As your organization has settled (or is just now settling) into offering remote work as a long-term solution after the pandemic, it’s time to re-evaluate your employee benefits strategy to match the needs of your remote employees.

It’s not surprising that employees working from home have different needs than those working in an office. While it may seem obvious, it will still take time and effort to design a strategy that matches these new needs.

The Impact of Self-Aware Teams

Cultivating a self-aware team is crucial if you want to increase performance.

Awareness is more than a personality trait—it’s a competency directly linked to high-performance teams. Teams with high self-awareness make better decisions, interact with each other better, and manage tensions and conflicts more effectively. Just imagine what your team and organization could accomplish with self-awareness!